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stop work order Tag

Covid-19 has impacted so much of our world in the last 2 years. No part of our lives hasn't been impacted by the pandemic, including the construction and design industries. This article, Housing boom exposes black market in Fraser Valley - Real Estate | Business in Vancouver, discusses how more than 800  construction projects were investigated in the City of Surrey in 2021. The...

Stop Work Orders – a boundless source of stress for homeowners. We have written a lot about Stop Work Orders in the past, covering everything from horror stories to tips for avoiding them. In spite of this, we continue to see homeowners who have received Stop Work Orders – and hear the devastating consequences of receiving them. This month, we created a three-part series about...

Stop Work Orders may be scary, but they are completely preventable. If you follow a few simple steps, you will not have to worry about Stop Work Orders at all. Not sure why you want to avoid Stop Work Orders? This month, we created a three-part series about Stop Work Orders Check out the other blogs in this three-part series: 4 Perfect Examples of Why...

Welcome to the third part in our Stop Work Orders series! This month, we created a three-part series about Stop Work Orders We have already tackled 4 Perfect Examples of Why to Take Stop Work Orders Seriously and Why Stop Orders Happen and How To Prevent Them. Today, we are wrapping up with a look at the consequences of working without the appropriate Permits. Some...

A Stop Work Order may sound manageable, but it can be incredibly financially damaging. While we have touched on some of the issues we have seen over our years working in Vancouver home design, we have some true horror stories that show just how devastating getting a Stop Work Order can be. Stop Work Order horror stories We have had a number of cases...

One of the most important things to do when you are buying a property is check that the home matches the plans on file with the City. This is vital because, if the plans do not match, there are likely renovations to the house that have been conducted without a permit, meaning once you purchase the property, you are at risk of being hit...

As Building Codes are available to the public, many people believe that they do not need professional guidance regarding renovations, and attempt to do it themselves. Individuals with some knowledge of Building Codes may also believe they have enough information to handle Vancouver renovations on their own. However, not working with a Vancouver Home Designer can land you a Stop Work Order. This article...

Stop work orders on residential construction in Vancouver became quite prominent in 2015, when building was booming. At the time, homeowners were either unaware of the permits required for these structures, or were skipping the permit application process altogether, in order to complete the project faster. A stop work order will likely be issued if you do not have a permit to build a house...