19 Nov DOS Design Group Profiles: Shira Rosenberg
Our Full Service Design company only works because of the incredible people we have on our team. One of our team members is our CEO and Principal, Certified Residential Designer, Shira Rosenberg.
How Shira Came To Lead Our Full Service Design Company
Real-world Design philosophy
Shira is an ASTTBC Certified Residential Designer, one of only approximately 100 credentialed in BC. This designation means that she is approved to design new homes.
Shira oversees all design projects and monitors schedules and deadlines. She researches zoning to determine the maximum allowable building options for a project and works with the client to achieve their objectives. She communicates with clients, contractors, and other professionals and ensures everyone is aware of all updates and changes to the project. At the same time, Shira keeps the DOS teams apprised of how these changes need to be incorporated into their work. Her methods help identify hurdles and develop plans for resolving them so the design comes together as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
What Shira Does At Our Full Service Design Company
Client relations, Lead Designer, CEO and Principal
As the CEO, Principal and Lead Designer of our Full Service Design Company, Shira oversees all the Design projects and keeps everything on track.
Salesforce custom development
As a testament to her ideology of functional living and working spaces, Shira worked with the rest of the team to develop a fully customized instance of Salesforce. From there, Shira learned how to become a Salesforce Administrator so that she could rebuild Salesforce internally. She developed a new fully custom utilities for scheduling and has constantly been developing effective functionality for the organization. The DOS team now manages dozens of projects simultaneously, allowing different people to collaborate and work more efficiently.
A holistic perspective
Our Mission Statement
Our company’s philosophy focuses on functionality. We ascribe to the Frank Lloyd Wright philosophy that, “Form and function are one.” There is no point in making something aesthetically pleasing if you can’t live in the space.
First, we determine the objectives for the project. Next, we develop the budget. We work with the client to create interesting elements in the appearance and materials to be used. We can create cost-effective designs, or a unique custom home, with playful layouts, private spas and garden oases. With enough money you can build anything, but most clients need to work within a fixed and reasonable budget. Our DOS construction calculator gives relative guidelines as to what the project will cost so the scope of work can be scaled appropriately.
In Her Words
“I do not have a signature look. Every project is unique, and I adapt the look, so it represents the client’s vision and needs. The most defining aspect of my work is that the layout is clean and efficient. I can’t count the number of times that I hear builders and engineers asking how I had managed to change a design to maximize the usable space. This is a compliment especially when I am reworking a design on a rescue project, where another company wasn’t able to comply with zoning or code, and I find solutions to all of the non-compliant problems and successfully attain permits.”
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