16 Jan Five things to discuss with your home designer
When it comes to home designers, teamwork really does make the dream work. The teamwork, in this case, comes in the form of open communication. In order to get the house of your dreams, there are several topics you need to cover with your home designer.
The five topics to discuss with your home designer
1. What a typical week looks like for your family
Home designers want to create a space that works with your lifestyle. In order to do this, however, they have to know what your lifestyle is. Make sure you cover what average weekdays and weekends look like at your place, as well as any important holiday events and traditions. If your space needs to accomplish certain things for you, like helping you relax at the end of the day, share this with your home designer too. That way, they can ensure your wants and needs are met.
2. Which rooms you use most – and which you use least
Home designers want to know which rooms are working for you – and which rooms are not. If there are reasons you spend a great deal of time in certain rooms, share these with your home designer. Similarly, if there are issues with the rooms you use least, talk to your home designer about them. You may find that they can be resolved, giving you more spaces you use and love.
3. Your favourite and least favourite pieces of furniture
No home designer wants to stick you with furniture you dislike or find uncomfortable. Discussing furniture you love gives your home designer a sense of what types of pieces will fit your style, home, and life. At the same time, opening up about the furniture you dislike or feel uncomfortable using ensures your home designer will avoid similar pieces.
4. How your children would decorate if they were in charge
You and your partner have the ability to share thoughts and wants with your home designer. Your children, however, can feel left out of the process despite living in the home. While your home designer may not meet all your children’s wants (and you may not want them to) it is helpful for them to have a sense of what your children’s wants and needs are.
5. Sentimental attachments
If there is anything you have a sentimental attachment to, make sure you share this information with your home designer. This way your home designer will know what needs to stay in the space and can plan accordingly. Beyond that, your home designer may even be able to build looks around certain items that are important to you, making them focal points in your home.
When discussing these five topics with your home designer, remember that honesty is key.
It can be easy to tone down your wants and needs in hopes of seeming easy to work with. This does not serve you or your home designer. Downplaying interests can lead your home design down the wrong path, leaving you with a final product that is not what you wanted. This is why it is vital to be open and honest with your home designer. Not only will it make their job easier, but it will make you happier in the end.
If you need more inspiration before being able to discuss your wants, needs, and style with a home designer, consider what various home design elements say about you.
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