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As the demand for home additions like sunrooms and deck covers continues to grow, it's crucial for homeowners and contractors to be aware of the zoning regulations that govern the construction and placement of these structures. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to expensive consequences, including the demolition of the newly built addition. At PermitSets.com, we understand the intricacies of zoning laws...

How PermitSets.com Can Empower New Home Buyers to Uncover Unpermitted Work   If you’re in the market for a new home, especially in a city like Vancouver where unauthorized renovations and basement suites are common in older properties, the last thing you want is to unknowingly inherit unpermitted work that could lead to costly repercussions down the line. Fortunately, there are companies like PermitSets.com that can...

Are you looking to start a new business or looking to renovate the space of your current business? If so, there are a number of things that should be considered. Depending on the scope of work, it is important to know what to expect when starting a Tenant Improvement Project to save both time and money. Development Permit or Building Permit Defining the scope of work...

As the summer starts to heat up in Vancouver you may be thinking it’s time to add Air Conditioning to your home with a new Heat pump system. The good news is as of July 1st, the City of Vancouver has greatly simplified this process. What is a Heat Pump? There are many advertisements currently circulating about Heat pumps. Their dual ability of heating and cooling,...

Your needs are changing, your house should too! Today there are so many technological capabilities that simply didn’t exist even 5 years ago. Our cars have internet capability, our cell phones are small enough to lose, and often are waterproof. Even our children are using iPads at school as early as Grade 1. So if our life is so set up for technological advances, why...

To Build or Renovate… that is the question. And it is a challenging question in Vancouver today. There are a number of pros and cons on both sides. Today we want to address these pros and cons so you can make the decision that is right for you and your family.    The Case for Building 1. More choices  When you are building a Custom Home, you get...

Are you feeling down? Overwhelmed? Anxious?  Your space may not be helping.  Scientists have demonstrated that our home can have a significant impact on our mental health and wellness. This does not mean that if you change your home, everything will be solved. Only that the right kind of Integrated Design can help, by contributing to your overall health and wellness. These Integrated Design elements may...

As you plan your Integrated Design, you can let your imagination run wild. When it comes to Custom Home and Interior Design, almost anything is possible. Not sure where to start with your one-of-a-kind Home? These unique homes could inspire some ideas for your Design.  10 Unique Homes That Highlight Integrated Design    1. A pineapple a day              View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Adolfo Goldberg...

Our full service Design company only works because of the incredible people we have on our team. One of our incredible employees is our team lead for the Interior Design Division, Lyndsay Mossman.  How Lyndsay Came To Our Full Service Design Company Lyndsay’s parents are both handy DIY-types. Her mother was always doing renovations or decorating the Mossman family home, so Lyndsay got into Interior Design...

We spend a lot of time talking about our clients’ spaces. Today, we want to introduce you to DOS Design Group’s own space. Here, we make the magic happen, planning Custom Homes, meeting with clients, drafting plans, and conducting VR design. That is why we want to open our doors, giving you a peek into DOS Design Group’s home.  DOS Design Group’s Office Space, Including...

People talk a lot about “good Interior Design”, but what makes it “good”? There are a few simple elements that people are really referring to when speaking about good Interior Design.  Today, we are going through these elements so you know what to consider when thinking about Interior Design for your home.  5 elements of good Interior Design  1. Thoughtfulness  There is a lot of creativity that you...

Many people think they should build their Custom Home first and worry about getting an Interior Designer later.  That, however, could not be further from the truth.  In reality, you should hire your Interior Designer when you are going through your initial Building Design, long before you ever break ground. Here are five key reasons why. The Advantages Of Hiring An Interior Designer At The Beginning Of...

Are you considering Custom Home Design for your next build, but want to know more about the process? Looking for more information about how we work?  Here is a summary of the steps that make up Draft On Site’s Custom Home Design process.   The 8 Steps In Our Custom Home Design Process  1. Consultation  The first part of our Design process is getting to know you. We will...

While a Net-Zero house involves a higher up-front cost than traditional builds, over time it will pay for itself.  But how long does that take? Are we talking one year? Ten? A hundred?  Today, we explore the financial side of Net-Zero homes.   Why A Net-zero Home Costs More  There are a few reasons a Net-Zero home costs more upfront than a traditional build. These include:  1. Better quality materials  Net-Zero...

Draft On Site now has an in-house Interior Design team! We have already introduced you to the team members. Today, we want to introduce you to some of the 2019 Interior Design trends that resonate with our team.  8 Of Our Favourite 2019 Interior Design Trends   1. Rich palettes             View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Covet House (@covethouse_) on Jun 14, 2019 at 6:07am PDT   Rich...

These days we are surrounded by Interior Design imagery. It is everywhere from social media to magazines to television shows. With so many inspirations, it can feel like DIY Interior Design is the way to go. In the end, though, DIY Interior Design is not as easy – or cost-effective – as it may appear to be. Why DIY Interior Design Can Cost You...

What’s the best way to achieve a seamless flow between the interior and exterior of your Custom Home? And why does doing so matter? A well designed Custom Home in Vancouver should have continuity between the interior and exterior, as well as the integration of the artistic into the structural, in order to help the homeowner feel connected to the home’s identity. While most Custom Home...

The BC Energy Step Code is now in place in a number of cities across British Columbia. Step Code is important and it means changes for new homes and major renovations being built now and in the future. How will it affect you and your Custom Home Design? What future government initiatives do you need to keep in mind? Today, we are covering everything...